Programming Example: SDS Oscilloscope screen image capture using Python over LAN

Posted on: August 20th, 2021 by James

Here is a brief code example written in Python 3.4 that uses a socket to pull a display image (screenshot) from a SIGLENT SDS1000X-E scope via LAN
and save it to the local drive of the controlling computer.

NOTE: This program saves the picture/display image file in the same directory that the .py file is being run from. It will overwrite any existing file that has the same name.

Download Python 3.4, connect a scope to the LAN using an Ethernet cable, get the scope IP address, and run the attached .PY program to save a bitmap (BMP) image of the oscilloscope display.

Tested with:

Python 3.4
SDS2000X-E Models
SDS5000X Models